Berkshire Jewish Voice Highlights

Highlights from the Berkshire Jewish Voice

Undoubtedly Fortuitous - Development Officer Janet Lee on Her New Role

Development Officer Janet Lee shares her thoughts about working with our Jewish community to help Federation achieve its goal for Annual Campaign 2021

An Unlikely Trio: Artists, Torah, and COVID-19

Artists from The Creative Beit Midrash of Hevreh of Southern Berkshire share their experience of coming together virtually on Saturday mornings during the pandemic, creating community and art to stay Jewishly connected during a time of separation.

Super Tzedakah Week – Building a Stronger Berkshire Jewish Community

Super Tzedakah Week - May 23 to 28 - kicks off the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires' 2021 Community Campaign. Our event co-chairs, the Dresner family, will be spreading the word about the ways all of us can build and sustain Jewish community by donating and participating!

Focus On What You See – Federation Working for Our Community

Federation's Super Tzedakah Week campaign kickoff co-chair Avi Dresner shares some thoughts on why his family gives back through Federation - and why your contribution is more important than ever

"American Baby" - A Comprehensive Look at Adoption in the USA

Gabrielle Glaser's "American Baby: A Mother, A Child, and the Shadow History of Adoption," tells an important and often overlooked story through the lens of one Jewish adoption in the early 1960s. An author interview and book review by BJV editor Albert Stern, himself an adoptee.