Berkshire Jewish Voice Highlights

Highlights from the Berkshire Jewish Voice

“Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero"

Comics historian Danny Fingeroth, who on August 16 will present “Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero" online for the Federation, shares some insights on the Jewish connection to comic books from the inception of the medium to the seeming ubiquity of…

Traveling With Jewish Taste - All Greek to Us

Our Traveling With Jewish Taste columnist Carol Goodman Kaufman recounts a bit of the long, but often fraught, history of the Jewish people's relationship with Greece, Israel's neighbor in the eastern Mediterranean.

Rabbi Reflection: Balancing Our Joy in Renewal with Our Awareness of Loss

Rabbi Seth Wax, the Jewish chaplain at Williams College, shares a reflection on how, at the most joyous moments of our lives, Judaism invites us to temper that joy with awareness of the brokenness in our world - and how, by doing so, we can extend our capacity for joy into a transformation…

“Feeling Free” - Myla J. Blum's Vibrant New Paintings

Myla J. Blum will exhibit her paintings in a show titled “Feeling Free” at the Pleasant and Main Café and General Store in Housatonic starting August 1. The native Pittsfielder (and Federation volunteer!) tells us a little about how she is exploring her growing prowess as a painter.

Sarah Aroeste's New Album Evokes the Lost Jewish World of Monastir

Berkshire-based singer Sarah Aroeste has long been an ambassador of Ladino music and Sephardic culture, but with her new album – and the broader undertaking it is a part of, The Monastir Project – she delves deeper into her family’s roots in the Balkan region of Macedonia.