Berkshire Jewish Voice Highlights

Highlights from the Berkshire Jewish Voice

Notes From The Brink, with Jeff Robbins

On Friday, September 20 at 10:45 a.m., Knosh & Knowledge hosts columnist and attorney Jeff Robbins, who will speak about his recently-published anthology, "Notes From The Brink: A Collection of Columns on Policy at Home and Abroad." Robbins will focus his remarks on the state of American…

Rabbi Barbara Cohen Reflects on Her Career in the Berkshire Clergy

In November, Rabbi Barbara Cohen will step down from the pulpit at Congregation Ahavath Sholom. In this BJV Interview, she reflects on her years of service to the Berkshires' Jewish community, and talks about that spiritual listening practice that will be her focus in the next chapter of her career.

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Making Jewish Theater in the 21st Century on August 16

On Friday, August 16 at 11 a.m., Knosh & Knowledge hosts panel discussion led by David Winitsky, founder and artistic director of the Jewish Plays Project, which will be presenting a weekend of new Jewish plays and voices at the Colonial Theatre on August 16-18. This conversation with…

Documenting the Holocaust in Italy and Its Resonance Today

In an excerpt from the just-released "Days of Memory: Listening to Jewish Italians Who Lived Through Fascism and the Holocaust," local historian Judith Monachina describes the work of Liliana Picciotto, the foremost historian of the period. in telling that story, Monachina also suggests…