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Special Jewish Food Series Lunch Program with Chefs, Authors, Food Writers
Jewish Literary Voices: A Federation Series in collaboration with The Jewish Book Council
In preparation for the High Holy Days, join Chef Moshe Basson, founder of the landmark Eucalyptus restaurant in Jerusalem and Israeli food historian for a cooking demo of Sayadieh, a special fish dish with rice and spices connected to Rosh Hashanah, as part of a discussion of The Eucalyptus Cookbook and his Levant customs and cultivated culinary innovations. Participants will receive a copy of the recipe to make at home.
The magnificent photographs and exotic stories that accompany the recipes take you into forest forages for wild greens and mallows and to the days of the Bible where birthrights were traded for sustenance. The book also tells the universal story of migration and how a business can support and be supported by its workers. Here, family members work alongside the long-tenured staff and add dishes from their own homes and their travels. Mainly, it brings you into the kitchen of Chef Moshe’s mother, where Iraqi scents and senses, old world wisdom, and the trials and struggles of building a home in a new land are palpable to the touch and to the taste.
Moshe Basson is an internationally-renowned Master Chef specializing in Modern Israeli-Biblical cuisine.
Purchase the book HERE and a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to a local independent bookstore in the Berkshires.