The Jewish Federation will co-sponsor with Hevreh of Southern Berkshires "Ohel Zachor - The Yitzhak Rabin Tent of Remembrance", an interactive exhibit and program on civil society and democracy in Israel. The program aims to expand knowledge and strengthen the visitors' connection to Israel. This exhibit is free and open to the public.
"Yitzhak Rabin, His Life and Legacy", appropriate for both children and adults, chronicles the life of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, war hero, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Through an artful assemblage of photographs, media accounts,and statements by Israeli academics, journalists and political leaders, the exhibition reveals the political divisions that led to Rabin's assassination in 1995, and highlights Rabin's teachings that have become a rallying cry for peace, pluralism, and a return to the Zionist values upon which Israel was founded. It concludes with a look at current events in Israel in order to ask: What kind of Israeli society do we want? Visitors at the exhibit will have the opportunity to engage in discussion with educators from HeChalutz, a non-profit organization and kibbutz in Israel that aims to connect Diaspora Jewry to Israel through discussion of critical questions concerning Israel's civic society. The focus will be on the past summer and Operation Protective Edge's impact on Israeli discourse and political culture. Following the program and a short Havdallah service, attendees will have the opportunity to meet Zohar Avigdori, Programming Director for HeChalutz.