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Please join the author of Acts of Assumption, S.W. Leicher, who didn’t set out to write a book about a love affair between a fiercely self-reliant, mathematically-gifted young Haredi woman and a street-smart, ambitious and hopelessly-attractive Latina healer. She wanted to write a short tale about an Orthodox boy grappling with a very strange disorder.
S.W. Leicher will share the story of how a momentary flash of inspiration morphed inexorably into a novel about what happens when a pair of headstrong women from two very different - but equally marginalized - communities decide to dismantle the assumptions that have dictated their lives.
S.W. Leicher grew up in the Bronx in a bi-cultural (Latina and Jewish) home. She moved out of New York to pursue a Masters’ degree in Public Policy and then came right back again to raise her family on the Upper West Side, where she still lives with her husband and two black cats. For the past forty years she has conducted policy research and produced reports and marketing materials for a range of non-profits, federations, government agencies and foundations. Acts of Assumption is her first novel.
This free program is part of the Federation’s Connecting With Community Series