
27 2025

Yom HaShoah: Listening to Jewish Italians Who Lived Through Fascism

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Congregation Knesset Israel 16 Colt Rd
Pittsfield, MA 01201
4134454872 rabbipwax@knessetisrael.org

Contact Pamela Wax

$ Cost $ 5.00

To honor Yom Ha-Shoah, Judith Monachina, Director of the Housatonic Heritage Oral History Center and author of "Days of Memory: Listening to Jewish Italians Who Lived Through Fascism and the Holocaust," will speak about her research, the people she met, and connect their stories with a chronicle of her own journey of discovery.

This event will take place at Congregation Knesset Israel. A brunch at 10:00 will be followed by the presentation at 10:30.

Sponsor: Congregation Knesset Israel