
6 2022

Barbara Kruger: Thought-Provoking Photographic Works

6:45PM - 7:45PM  

Contact Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
413-442-4360 x10

Via Zoom

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Barbara Kruger is known for her bold photographs to which thought-provoking messages have been added. These short texts, white inscriptions over a red field, treat social and political attitudes from gender stereotypes to consumerism. With a background in graphic design and photography, Kruger’s public installations have appeared in galleries, museums, billboards, municipal buildings, department stores, buses, train stations, and parks around the world. Such rigorously composed works as, I Shop Therefore I Am, have been widely distributed under the artist’s supervision in the form of umbrellas, tote bags, postcards, mugs, T-shirts, and posters.

Presented by J. Carol Salus, PhD. Salus recently retired after an accomplished career as a Professor at Kent State University’s School of Art. She has published on Picasso, Degas, R. B. Kitaj, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, and has taught Art History and American Art and Architecture. She often combines her broad expertise in art, together with her interest in Jewish history, She taught throughout her career at Kent State University.  

Click here to review the full bio of Carol Salus, PhD