
12 2021

Jewish Earth Alliance Speaker Event

8:00PM - 9:30PM  

Williams College Zoom Event

Contact Regina Fink

Join us to hear Ann Bennett from the Jewish Earth Alliance speak about her experience as an environmental advocate and to learn where we as American Jews fit into the fight for climate change policy! This event is sponsored by the Williams College Jewish Association and is open to members of the Berkshire Jewish community.

Ann Bennett worked on Capitol Hill for Rep. Robert J. Mrazek focusing on federal public lands issues. She currently serves on the Board of the Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club, Chairs Clean Energy for Fairfax Now, works with Jewish Earth Alliance and has been trained by the Climate Reality Project. Ann chaired the Fairfax County Trails Committee and has an interest in local land use, climate and open space. She also has held many leadership positions in the Jewish community including President of Gesher Jewish Day School, Vice President for Leadership of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and is on the University of Rochester Hillel Board. She is a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Program and earned a B.A. in History and an M.A. in Environmental Policy.

Zoom link information for April 16th at 8 pm:

Meeting ID: 972 1256 5568
Passcode: 402294

Contact Regina (raf3@williams.edu) with any questions.

Sponsor: Williams College Jewish Association