
9 2014

Interfaith Forum on Death, Dying and the Afterlife

1:00PM - 5:00PM  

Berkshire South Regional Community Center Crissey Rd
Great Barrington, MA 01230
413-528-2810 kaya@rimonberkshires.org

Contact Kaya Stern-Kaufman

Rimon will present the Second Annual Interfaith Forum on Death, Dying and the Afterlife at Berkshire South Regional Community Center in Great Barrington. Last winter Rimon held the first Interfaith Forum on Spiritual Views of Death and the Afterlife which was attended by over one hundred people. Upon conclusion of the event there was a resounding request for another opportunity to delve more deeply into this broad topic of universal concern. In response to the call, Rimon will present this Second Interfaith Forum on Feb 9th from1:00-5:00pm in two sections. In Part 1, a panel of Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu clergy/representatives will present their tradition's views in a question and answer format with a moderator, followed by a community conversation. Topics to be considered in this panel discussion will include spiritual preparation for death, the journey of the soul, traditions around preparation of the body of the deceased, and spiritual views of the Afterlife. In Part 2 of the Forum, we will divide into smaller break-out groups led by clergy and social workers to discuss the grief process, perspectives on suicide including physician assisted death with dignity, hospice care, grief rituals, support systems for the bereaved and the home funeral movement. To help defray the costs of the forum, there will be a suggested donation of $10 upon admission. All are welcome.