
20 2023

Violins and Hope: From the Holocaust to Symphony Hall with Daniel Levin

6:45PM - 7:45PM  

VIRTUAL Program Jewish Federation of the Berkshires 196 South Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Contact Rabbi Daveen Litwin

Via Zoom.  Register HERE.

Jewish Literary Voices: A Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Series in collaboration with the Jewish Book Council

Doc­u­men­tary and con­cep­tu­al art pho­tog­ra­ph­er Daniel Levin trav­eled to the work-shop of Israeli luthi­er Amnon Wein­stein, the founder of the renowned Vio­lins of Hope pro­gram, to explore this great man’s life’s mis­sion. In doing so, he uncov­ered not only beau­ti­ful pho­to­graph­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Amnon’s process­es of restora­tion of del­i­cate vio­lins that mirac­u­lous­ly sur­vived the Holo­caust, but his inti­mate work­shop as well. With Vio­lins and Hope From the Holo­caust to Sym­pho­ny Hall, Levin has brought the work­shop out of itself, to be seen by the world for the very first time.

In commemoration of Yom HaShoah, join Daniel for a discussion of his book and learn about the 86 violins that have been restored, fulfilling the goal of transforming tragedy into triumph by bringing violins of the Holocaust back to life.

Purchase the book here and a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to the local Bookstore in Lenox.



Sponsor: Jewish Federation of the Berkshires and the Jewish Book Council