The goal of creative aging is not just a long life but longevity coupled with the capacity for continued physical and mental activity. On a daily basis we are inundated with the latest exercise routines and/or supplements that promise a robust long life. We will explore what the combination of the Jewish mystical Kabbalistic tradition and the Chinese healing arts including tai chi teach us regarding longevity and health.
Join Dr. Joel Friedman for mind body exercises centered drawing on the following key concepts: i) expansion and contraction; ii) coupling breath and intent with movement; iii) the constant breath-driven interplay of yin and yang energies (mem and shin energies respectively in Kabballah); iv) the use of spirals to generate powerful flow of energy; and v) wholeness/balance (shleymut).
Dr. Friedman is a research scientist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine who has also been studying the theological and mystical underpinnings of Judaism. His lens is uniquely influenced by the synergy of his science/medical background, his 40 years of training and teaching Taoist based Chinese internal martial/healing arts and a passion for Jewish learning.
Following the program, we will continue the conversation with a home-cooked lunch around our community table. All are welcome! Advance lunch reservations are required and can be made by calling (413) 442-2200 before 9 a.m. on the day BEFORE (Wed) the program. Suggested donation of $3 for adults over age 60. $7 for all others.
Federation makes these programs possible through the generous support of our community.