Special Jewish Food Series Lunch Program with Local Chefs, Authors, Food Writers
In preparation for the High Holy Days, join Chef Julie Kalt Gale, author of The View From My Kitchen Window, for conversation around our community table for a discussion of her memoir and enjoy a home-cooked kosher lunch featuring one of her favorite recipes for the Days of Awe (Rosh HaShanah Apple Cake). Enjoy lunch and take home the recipe!
The View From My Kitchen Window is a memoir with recipes. Julie owns At the Kitchen Table Cooking School in Hillsdale, New York and has been teaching cooking for almost 20 years. The book tells the story of the people in her life through the food they prepared and the stories they told around the kitchen table. There are 110 recipes that reflect her American Jewish upbringing as well as her travels throughout the world.
Full lunch menu: Sweet and sour brisket (GF) (DF), potato kugel, tzimmes, matza ball soup, challah, and apple cake.
Call (413) 442-2200 TO REGISTER.
Sorry no walk-ins. If you need to cancel, please let us know in advance as we are preparing food based on the number of reservations.
All are welcome. Lunch is a suggested donation of $3 for adults over 60 years of age. $7 for all others.
Federation makes these programs possible through the generous support of our community.