Via Zoom
Join mosaic muralist Mia Schon to creatively repurpose magazines to design your own beautiful mosaic of ancient Jerusalem. Explore this creative technique, stone by stone, as we celebrate Jerusalem of Gold. So, grab a glue stick, scissors, magazine pages or other patterned papers (hues of sand, tan, browns, blues, yellows, gold, and greens) you have chosen to work with, and you're ready to go! All levels welcome.
Mia Schon is a mosaic muralist and instructor who works out of her studios in Boston and Tel Aviv. With a strong affinity for public art, Mia has made it her mission to spread large colorful mosaics throughout Israel while incorporating social, political and cultural themes into her work.She recently received a Transformative Public Art grant from the City of Boston to respond to Covid-19 and encourage public connectedness piece by piece.