The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents "The Jewish Tradition of Mah Jongg" with Gregg Swain, co-author of Mah Jongg: The Art of the Game. Please note that you need not be a Mah Jongg player nor Jewish to enjoy this presentation.
Gregg Swain will give the talk tracing the connections of Jewish families to the game of Mah Jongg. Using beautiful photographs from her book, and other vintage photos from the last 90 years, Gregg will explain the ties between the Chinese and Jewish communities and their shared love of the game. She will trace the history using photos of sets that may have been used during those years.
Program is free. $2 suggested donation for Kosher Lunch following the program. Advanced lunch reservations are required and can be made up to 9am on the day of the program by calling 413-442-2200.