
9 2022

SECURITY TRAINING II: Active Threat Response Training

5:00PM - 7:30PM  

This Federation event takes place at Temple Anshe Amunim 26 Broad Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Contact Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
413-442-4360 x10

REGISTER HERE for the Active Threat Response training.

During this training, participants will learn how to prepare for an active threat event, including key steps they can take to protect themselves and their institutions. This training will help participants:  

  • Differentiate between security and safety
  • Develop a better understanding of Active Threat incidents
  • Identify and explain modes of action during an Active Threat incident, such as Run, Hide, Fight
  • Learn how to prepare for an Active Threat event
  • Know how to respond to law enforcement's arrival
  • Be able to commit to action during an Active Threat event.

NOTE: This training will be PRECEEDED by an Active Threat Response training at 3:00 pm. Separate registration is required to attend both.  A light dinner provided between the two. 

REGISTER HERE for the additional Key Security Concepts and Usher/Greeter training 


Special thanks to Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) for their collaboration in providing this training to our Berkshire Jewish Community.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of the Berkshires