
29 2022

Visionary and Playful Art: An Exhibit Opening of the Work of Paul Graubard

6:30PM - 7:00PM  

Williams College Jewish Religious Center 24 Stetson Court
Williamstown, MA 01267
413-597-4717 smw4@williams.edu

Contact Seth Wax

The work of local artist Paul Graubard is currently on display at the Williams College Jewish Religious Center. His art is inspired by religious, biblical, and rabbinic themes, among other sources.

The entire community is welcome to an opening event on Friday, April 29 at 6:30pm, to explore the art and meet with the artist. Selected pieces will be available for purchase.

Friday night Shabbat services will follow at 7pm.

Masks, vaccination, and boosters required.

Sponsor: Williams College Jewish Assocition