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Join us for an inspirational and timely discussion with journalist and author Tamar Haspel in conversation with environmentalists and educators from the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Shamu Sadeh and Janna Siller, on the vital Jewish themes of sustainability in your backyard, community and the planet. Explore the Jewish values of growing and eating local. The panel will be moderated by Elisa Spungen Bildner.
Tamar Haspel writes the James Beard Award-winning Washington Post colum Unearthed which tackles food from every angle: agriculture, nutrition, obseity, the food environment and DIY. She's also written for Discover, National Geographic's The Plate, Vox, Slate, Fortune, and Edible Cape Cod.
To Boldly Grow: Finding Joy, Adventure, And Dinner in Your Own Backyardwill be available for purchase at the event or bring your own copy for signing by the author. Purchase the book here and support our local bookstore in Lenox.
This event is part of Super Tzedakah Week focusing on the Jewish Federation's commitment to sustaining our community and our world.
Jewish Literary Voices is a Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Series in collaboration with Jewish Book Council
Masks are optional.