This year, we Remember the Torah of the Future – the legacy of Reb Zalman זצ׳ל for all of us to discover. Join us for an immersive holiday experience unlike any other.
Parade for first-fruits/Bikkurim with Adamah Farm & Fellowship
Eco-Kosher farm-to-table feasts & cheesemaking
All night vigil with chanting, meditation, text study and more
Daybreak outdoor musical Torah service
Celebrate & learn with leading lights of Jewish Renewal
Outdoor creative children’s program with Camp Teva
Featuring Rebbetzin Eve Ilsen and many students of Reb Zalman
Enjoy the beauty of spring at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
AdamahFoods “First Fruits” Farm-to-Feast Kiddush
Midnight Hike to the top of the mountain
Kosher Artisanal Cheese tasting and cheesemaking workshop
Daily Meditation and Torah Yoga
Camp Teva Children’s Program – Jewish Outdoor, Food, and Environmental Fun!
Sponsor: Rimon Resource Center, Elat Chayyim, Kol Chai, Hazon, Beacon Hebrew Alliance, Aleph Alliance for Jewisg Renewal