Seder led by Rabbi Dr. Scott Saulson who requests that to get in the seder mood, each guest prepare two items to share at our seder: A recollection of lasting impression made on you because of an encounter with a perfect stranger; and a poem (your own or another’s) expressive of any one of these themes:
·Matzah balls
·Gefilte fish
Menu: Kosher style meal
• Homemade charoset
• Chicken soup and matzah balls
• Salad
• Gefilte fish
• Turkey
• Brisket
• Vegetarian entrée
• Wine
• Seltzer, juice, coffee, tea
• Potluck dessert table
Prices: Adult $36/member, Child to 18, free
Adult $54/non-member, Child 5-18, $10
Supported by a generous donation from the Dorothy and Henry Halperin Fund
To register please go to our website
Sponsor: Supported by a generous donation from the Dorothy and Henry Halperin Fund