Temple Anshe Amunim, 26 Broad Street, will host a four-part scene study class on consecutive Tuesdays beginning August 2nd at 10:00 a.m.
Students will have the opportunity to prepare and perform scenes from both well-known and new plays in a supportive atmosphere that encourages creativity and individual interpretation. Each week the instructor will assign scenes to the students, working in pairs or individually, to prepare and perform during the subsequent session. The selections will challenge the students to portray a variety of characters. The instructor, a professional theatre director, will provide constructive criticism and suggestions. Both new and experienced actors are welcome.
The course will be held on four consecutive Tuesday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. beginning on August 2, and will be taught by Dr. Barbara Waldinger, a director and professor of Theatre. Dr. Waldinger has taught at Hofstra University, Marymount College, Queens College, and is presently an OLLI instructor. She serves as Artistic Director of HRC Showcase Theatre, an Equity-approved company that performs staged readings of new plays in Hudson, New York. She also directs new plays for the Association of Theatre in Higher Education, the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and the Hudson-based play development group Plays in Progress, in addition to teaching and directing at Temple Anshe Amunim.
The fee for the four-session course is $40 for Temple members, $45 for non-members; or $15 for any individual session.
Temple Anshe Amunim is a Reform Jewish congregation that promotes engaging and widespread participation in services, education, and social action programs. The Temple, located at 26 Broad Street, Pittsfield, MA is an accessible building.
For more information, contact the Temple Anshe Amunim office at (413) 442-5910, email templeoffice@ansheamunim.org or visit www.ansheanumim.org.