Temple Anshe Amunim will be one of 600 Jewish institutions across the continent to host READ HEBREW AMERICA AND CANADA. Led by Esther Benari-Altmann, the five week Hebrew Reading Crash Course will focus on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and basic reading skills to Jews with little or no background in Hebrew. Classes will meet at 26 Broad Street, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on October 25, November 1, 8, 15 and 22 and are free.
READ HEBREW AMERICA AND CANADA is the first continent-wide program designed to introduce North American Jews to the Hebrew language – a skill that will enable them to participate in Jewish services and customs in the original language of their ancestors. An essential component to the practice of Judaism, Hebrew is the primary language in which virtually all Jewish prayer books, holiday services, and significant religious texts are written and read.
Sponsor: NJOP