
9 2016

People of the Book-People of the Story

10:00AM - 1:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel 53 Lois Street
North Adams, MA 01247

Contact David Arfa

Books and stories will be featured at this new family art making program at CBI North Adams. CBI is creating a family art studio that will run one Sunday a month all year long. Our first month is dedicated to simple bookmaking and family stories. The first hour, starting at 10am, will be for families with children ages 3-6 and will be taught by educator and storyteller Jane Shiyah. At 10:45 all elementary age children and their families are invited for a bagel brunch buffet, prompts for sharing family mensches, learning about the history of Jewish books, making books of family mensch stories and ending with storytelling by Jane Shiyah and Maggid David Arfa of King Solomon and his Ring of Power and other stories. Teens and adults are also welcome to attend.

Future months include illuminated manuscripts, Hebrew Calligraphy, more adventures with King Solomon and more. CBI Hebrew School families free; all others $10/person; $25/family. Scholarships Available. Please RSVP to Maggid David Arfa, david@maggiddavid.net by October 6th.

Sponsor: Congregation Beth Israel and the CBI Community Hebrew School. Partially supported by a grant from the Grinspoon Foundation