
7 2014

Part of Jewish Book Month - JFB Knosh & Knowledge Program "Half Jewish"

10:45AM - 1:00PM  

This Federation program will be held at Hevreh of Southern Berkshire 270 State Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Contact Nancy Maurice Rogers
413-442-4360 x 15

As part of Jewish Book Month, The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents the Knosh and Knowledge program, "Half Jewish" with Daniel Martin Klein and Freke Vuijst.  Klein and Vuijst, authors of "The Half Jewish Book: A Celebration" are a married couple who have spent more than a decade exploring the transformation of what it means to be half-Jewish in America.  They will share facts and statistics about interfaith marriage in this country and discuss their often controversial ideas of how half-Jewishness is a cultural, intellectual and aesthetic mix.


The program will be followed at noon by a seasonal farm fresh buffet lunch prepared by Theresa Freund of Freund Farm Market and Bakery.  Cost of program with lunch $11; program alone $5.  Advanced lunch reservations are required.