
21 2025

Noah’s Wine vs. Pharaoh’s Beer: Barroom Brawls that Shaped Jewish History

10:45AM - 12:00PM  

This Federation event takes place at Knesset Israel 16 Colt Road
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Contact Rabbi Daveen Litwin

Beer was revered as sacred in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, but for Jews, wine has always been the preferred beverage. Why is that? This presentation on Noah’s Wine vs. Pharaoh’s Beer, the Barroom Brawl and Culture War that Shaped Jewish History by TorahFlora botanist, author and teacher Jon Greenberg, PhD will explore how civilization may have begun as a way to get a beer, how Moses instigated the downfall of the Egyptian beer goddess, the roots of Jewish ambivalence about alcohol in the Garden of Eden, and the deep meaning of red and white wines at the Passover seder.

Dr. Greenberg is devoted to biblical ethnobotony to better understand the Torah.  He received his doctorate in agronomy from Cornell University, and has studied with Rabbi Chaim Brovender at Israel's Yeshivat Hamivtar and conducted research on corn, alfalfa, and soybeans at Cornell, the US Dept of Agricuture, and University of PA Institute for Cancer Research.

Following the program, we will continue the conversation with a home-cooked lunch around our community table.  All are welcome!  Advance lunch reservations are required and can be made by calling (413) 442-2200 before 9 a.m. the day BEFORE the program (Wed).  Suggested donation of $3 for adults over age 60.  $7 for all others.

Federation makes these programs possible through the generous support of our community.