
7 2015

MAMA LOSHEN Yiddish course with Rabbi Levi Volovik


Chabad of the Berkshires 450 South Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
413.499.9899 Jewishberkshires@gmail.com

Contact Sara Volovik

$ Cost $ 49.00

Have you always wanted to speak MAMA LOSHEN? Rabbi Levi Volovik, Director of Chabad of the Berkshires will be leading a four week crash course of learning, reminiscing and singing songs in Yiddish!

Rabbi Levi who grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn a predominantly Yiddish speaking neighborhood will inspire and rekindle the Yiddish spark within all participants.

Tuesdays at 1 PM. July 7,14,21,28

Sponsor: Chabad of trhe Berkshires