
10 2013

Lunch and Learn

11:45AM - 1:30PM  

Hevreh of Southern Berkshire, Inc. P.O. Box 912/270 State Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230
413-528-6378 info@hevreh.org

Contact Hevreh of Southern Berkshire

"Oh my Kinneret.  Did you exist?  Or did I dream a dream?"  These words, written by poetess Rachel Bluwstein, provides us with a guiding question that Hevreh's rabbinic intern, Jodie Gordon, will use during the first of this two-part series.  Through the voiceewish women, the group will explore how different portrayals of gender helped to amplify the message of early Zionists.  We will encounter the experiences of these young women in their own words: through personal narratives, poetry, art and film.