The John Muir Trail runs 212 miles along the crest of California's High Sierra, from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. Did you know that its creator was the direct descendant of the only Jewish clergyman in attendance at George Washington's inauguration in 1789? Learn the story of Theodore Seixas Solomons' 1890s explorations of the Sierra, as well as of his tireless (and largely unrecognized) contributions to the creation of the nation's most scenic high-elevation footpath.
Join Fitchburg State Professor Michael Hoberman for a discussion of how one Jewish man’s role in the shaping of the nation’s best-loved and most spectacular long-distance trail reminds us of the close, if often disregarded, bonds that Jews have formed with the North American landscape
Following the program, we will continue the conversation with a home-cooked lunch around our community table. All are welcome!
Advance lunch reservations are required and can be made by calling (413) 442-2200 before 9 a.m. on the day of the program. Suggested donation of $3 for adults over age 60. $7 for all others.
Federation makes these programs possible through the generous support of our community.