
1 2022

Great Ideas Series - featuring Dr. Andrew Rehfeld

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Hevreh of Southern Berkshire 270 State Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230
(413) 528-6378 info@hevreh.org

Contact Neil Hirsch
(413) 528-6378 (Phone)
(413) 961-5440 (Fax)

Great leadership requires great ideas. Be inspired by visionary leaders in the fields of Jewish living, learning, community building as part of Hevreh's annual "Great Ideas Series", this year featuring Dr. Andrew Rehfeld. He will reflect on his experiences as a leader of a major institution, and offer creative and exciting visions for the future. The series is sure to challenge and stimulate.

Dr. Andrew Rehfeld is President of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Sponsor: Hevreh of Southern Berkshire