The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents "Taking a Walk in the Wilds of Contemporary Education"with Marguerite Morris Willis. Willis is a former 30 year school committee member, longtime elected town government official, and volunteer who drives a truck because she likes to do so, EMT student at 48 and author of her first book at 64.
Like many grandmothers, she is passionate about education and frequently questions our current system. Her second self-published book is A Grandmother's Essays on Education, where she uses mostly non-educational language - and laying no claim to being an expert - she offers practical, thoughtful, and anecdotal stories and suggestions to remind us that we have educational choices. The book has broad appeal across the generations.
Program is free. $2 suggested donation for Kosher Lunch following the program. Advanced lunch reservations are required and can be made up to 9am on the day of the program by calling 413-442-2200.