Ever wonder what your house has been up to? The mother and daughter team and founders of "Dwelling in the Past," a South Egremont firm specializing in the research of historical homes, will give a presentation of some of their intriguing local findings. Lynn H. Wood, title abstractor, and Elisabeth L. Wood, genealogical researcher share a love for historic research. Through investigating old Berkshire records and employing their many years (58 years) of combined research experience, Lynn and Beth are now bringing forward newly found, fact-based stories of past Berkshire people, places and happenings. Each story they have found to date has been in some way unique and surprising. As they explain, history is often painted in grand strokes, on canvasses of monumental size. The aim at Dwelling in the Past is to bring history, in all its vivid colors, to a more human scale. By investigating the historic homes of Berkshire County, Lynn and Beth offer an opportunity to glimpse the shape, form and varied hues of residents’ lives.
Sponsor: Congregation Ahavath Sholom