
6 2020

Berkshire Hills Hadassah Donor Event

11:00AM - 12:00PM  

Contact Ellen Masters
(413) 329-1550

After 6 months of challenging Covid-19 isolation, let us come together to celebrate, with light hearts, two treasured friends of our community,
Berkshire Hills Hadassah invites you to our 2020 Donor Event on Zoom
September 6, 2020 on Zoom at 11:00 AM
Our Honorees are - Dr. Roselyn Kolodny and Dr. Edwin Kolodny
Dr. Edwin Kolodny, Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine, will be our esteemed guest speaker. He will share with us heart-warming stories about his relationships with Hadassah and, their impact on his career as a neurologist and geneticist.
On a lighter note, we will be entertained by Hilary Price, the syndicated "Rhymes with Orange" cartoonist.
Please RSVP with your donation and email address to: Phoebe Sugarman, 51 Alfred Dr., Pittsfield, MA 01201
RSVP deadline is Aug. 20th. Suggested minimum donation is $36 payable to Berkshire Hills Hadassah.
Contributors will be emailed the Zoom invitation link as well as three phone numbers (choose one) for those who wish to listen by telephone rather than use Zoom.
Additional donations to Hadassah Medical Organization may also be made in honor of Roz and Ed. Please consider the following donor categories - Chai $180, Stay Safe $250, Keepers of the Gate $1000, Founders of Hadassah $36,000, Whatever you wish $______ . Checks payable to Hadassah.
Gifts of $1800 or more, will have their name, or the name of someone special, inscribed on a "Road to Healing" wall tile on a floor in the Round Building.
For more information email



Sponsor: Berkshire Hills Hadassah