We’ll have delicious lunches at some of Berkshire County’s best restaurants and observe demonstrations of the their specialty or the preparation of our lunch.
Price for meal and ‘demo' will average $20pp or less, cash or check made out to the restaurant. Donations to Hadassah with a separate check made out to 'Hadassah' is appreciated but not required.
Ingredients will always be vegetarian - possibly including dairy, fish and eggs.
We will be booking restaurants in South, Central and North County for a wonderful sampling of Berkshire County offerings.
This month, we’ll meet at Jae’s Asian Bistro at 55 Pittsfield Rd. in Lenox on Tuesday, January 19th at 11:30.
RSVP by Jan 15th with the number in your party (friends who not yet Hadassah members are welcome) to plipman@fairpoint.net.
Questions? Contact Pattie at plipman@fairpoint.net
Sponsor: Berkshire Hills Hadassah