Hevreh is pleased to present the second annual Jewish Festival of Books in the Berkshires. This four day event will be full of lectures, teachings, and readings by local, national, and international authors in diverse genres from adult fiction to children’s literature to cookbooks.
Books signed by the authors will be available for sale. For more information, contact Hevreh at (413) 528-6378. All are welcome to join us.
Thursday, July 26
To open the Festival, Thursday night will feature Frances Klagsbrun, famed Jewish Feminist and scholar presenting her most recent of over two dozen books, Lioness–a critically acclaimed biography of Golda Meir. Advance copies of Lioness will be available through Hevreh before the event.
Sunday, July 29
The Festival will close with a reading and discussion with Rachel Kadish, author of The Weight of Ink, a story of a female scribe in the 17th century and the modern day historian who uncovers her identity.
Jewish Festival of Books in the Berkshires in co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires