
20 2022

Ramblin' with the Rav: Perry's Peak in Richmond, with Rabbi David Weiner

8:30AM - 12:30PM  

Knesset Israel
Advance registration required! www.knessetisrael.org/rsvp 16 Colt Rd
Pittsfield, MA 01201
413-445-4872 office@knessetisrael.org

Contact Diana Macfarlane
Advance registration required! www.knessetisrael.org/rsvp

On a beautiful Berkshires summer morning, Knesset Israel's Rabbi David Weiner enjoys little more than a hike. Join him for some Torah, good company, and a sweet loop hike in the woods and meadows above a bucolic pasture. We'll hike the 4 miles to Perry's Peak in Richmond at a relaxed pace, and stop to enjoy the spectacular views of Lebanon Valley, Richmond, and Yokun Ridge.

Sponsor: Knesset Israel